Monday, November 13, 2006

I've Got Nothing!

I have absolutely nothing to post! I've had a few people mention to me that I haven't updated for awhile, but there's nothing to share! Except that my two year old oven broke this weekend! Is that interesting or what? Let me see......Dana went to a "White Trash Bash" party this weekend, dressed in a wife beater and fake tattoos, Leah's been singing "yo, shorty, it's your birthday" nonstop for a week now, and Cameron sleeps in his Halloween costume every nite. So, are you glad you asked me to update? I am feeling the blogging pressure, I don't think I can deal with it!


Anonymous said...

ahhhh.. it's no pressure! just put in a few tidbits of your life.. like this was a great one.. who knew that leah is a fan of 50 cent. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I guess you used up all the good stuff already-not. You have too many things happening over there to run out of things for your blog.

Kristin said...

I didn't know that 50 cent sang that song, Bipin. Dana got a frog that sings it! Kinda of like your Kung Foo hamster! Thanks for the info on rappers!

Anonymous said...

I wish you had some pictures from Dana's par-tae! That would probably be amusing to see...

Anonymous said...

Ummm...if you need something to post, maybe you should come right out and tell everyone about your gas problems...if they're really your friends, they'll still like you.

Kristin said...

Hey, Katie-My only gas problem is you! A bloated gaaas baaag! That's what you are! And a Bunco cheater!